Questions about the new pension scheme
Why is there going to be a new pension system? And what kind of scheme will StiPP receive? Read the answers to these and other questions:
The old pension system worked well for many years. But now it is outdated. That is why the trade unions, employers and the government have jointly drawn up new rules for pensions. The aim is to make the pension system more open, personal and future-proof.
A number of strengths of the current pension system remain:
- You continue to accrue pension through your employer
- You will receive a pension for as long as you live
- The state pension via the government will continue to be
The trade unions and the employers' organisations (social partners) have determined what the new pension scheme will look like. For StiPP, these are trade unions FNV, CNV Vakmensen and De Unie and employers' organizations ABU and NBBU.
The new StiPP pension scheme applies to everyone who accrues or has accrued pension with StiPP. And also for everyone who receives a pension from StiPP.
A flexible contribution scheme. In the new pension system, all employees will accrue pension in a defined contribution scheme. StiPP's current pension scheme is already a defined contribution scheme. In a defined contribution scheme, each participant has an individual pension capital. These assets are invested. The investment risk lies with the employee. With these individual pension assets, you purchase a pension benefit when you retire. This means that you will continue to accrue pension in the same way. However, the StiPP pension scheme will be adjusted on a number of important points. You can find the agreements about the new pension scheme in the transition plan.
No, the state pension will continue to exist. The AOW is a basic income that you receive from the government from your state pension age. The new pension scheme covers the pension that you accrue, have accrued or have accrued with StiPP. Your pension benefit from StiPP is a supplement to the AOW.
You can read the latest news about the new StiPP pension scheme in the newsletter. There is also a special page about the new pension scheme on the website.