Questions about the transition plan

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Questions about the transition plan

The trade unions and the employers' organisations (social partners) have determined what the new pension scheme will look like. The choices and agreements they made about this were written down by the social partners in a transition plan. Read the answers to frequently asked questions about the transition plan:

What is a transition plan?

StiPP's new pension scheme will take effect on 1 January 2026. Trade unions and employers' organisations (social partners) have determined what the new pension scheme will look like. The choices and agreements they made about this are set out in the transition plan. The transition plan is the basis for the transition to the new pension scheme. You can download the transition plan on the website. Or read the summary of the most important agreements that have been made.

What are the most important agreements from the transition plan?

We have summarised the most important agreements from the transition plan for you. Read the summary of the transition plan here . Please read the entire transition plan. Download the transition plan.

What are the next steps towards the new pension scheme?

The board of StiPP is now reviewing the agreements in the transition plan. And determines whether they can carry them out and whether they are financially viable. StiPP will then draw up a plan stating how we will implement the transition to a new pension scheme. This is called the implementation plan. The Dutch Central Bank (DNB) is assessing this plan. StiPP also draws up a communication plan that states how we will inform you about the new pension scheme.