Transition plan

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Employees in the temporary employment and secondment sector will receive a new pension scheme from 1 January 2026. The trade unions and the employers' organisations (social partners) have determined what the new pension scheme will look like. The choices and agreements they made about this were written down by the social partners in a transition plan. This is mandatory. The transition plan is now ready and you can read it.

Agreements on the new scheme

The social partners have made agreements about the transition to the new pension scheme. Read the most important ones:

You will accrue more pension and pay more contributions for this
The pension contribution will be 23.4% of the pension base. You pay 7.5% of this and your employer pays 15.9%. Of that 23.4%, 20% is intended for the accrual of retirement pension for yourself and any survivor's pension after the retirement date. The rest are for:
1 - Insuring your partner and children if you die before the retirement date.
2 - Ensuring that you continue to accrue pension if you become incapacitated for work.
3 - The costs of implementing the scheme and maintaining buffers.
The new scheme will take effect on 1 January 2026
The new pension scheme will take effect on 1 January 2026. The scheme as you know it now will then stop. The condition is that StiPP can implement the new pension scheme on time.
The new scheme is a flexible contribution scheme
StiPP will have a flexible contribution scheme. It resembles the pension scheme as it currently stands.
The Basic and Plus schemes of StiPP will disappear
The Basic and Plus schemes will disappear. There will be one scheme in which everyone will accrue pension from theage of 18 until their state pension date.
All pensions will be transferred to the new scheme
The transition to the new pension scheme applies to all pensions. StiPP will transfer the pension that you are currently accruing, accruing or receiving to a pension in the new scheme. Even if you receive a partner's or orphan's pension from us. The social partners opt for the conversion of pension rights. This means that you and your colleagues' pensions will be transferred to the new scheme in one go.
Your expected pension
The pension that you accrue with StiPP until the start of the new pension scheme, or the pension that you receive from StiPP, is referred to as your pension assets. We invest your pension assets, just as we do in the current scheme. If the investments are doing well, your pension assets will grow. If the result of the investments is disappointing, your pension assets may grow less rapidly or become lower.

Even if you have already retired, your pension may fluctuate. We call this a variable pension benefit. StiPP has a reserve specifically for the distribution phase. With this reserve, we can usually prevent your pension from going down once you have retired. We call the reserve the risk-sharing reserve.
Death grant

If you die while accruing pension with StiPP, your partner will receive a lifetime benefit. The amount of this benefit is a percentage of the average last-earned salary over 12 months. Social partners expect this percentage to be at least 30%. The percentage shall be determined by 1 October 2025.

If you die while accruing pension with StiPP, your children will receive benefits until they reach the age of 25. The amount of this benefit is a percentage of the average last-earned salary. This percentage shall be determined by 1 October 2025 at the latest.
Exemption from premiums in the event of incapacity for work
Anyone who accrues pension with StiPP and meets the conditions can continue to accrue pension for the part that they are incapacitated for work. We call this non-contributory pension accrual. StiPP will then take over the payment of the premium.
In the new scheme, employees over the age of 59 will accrue less pension than in the current scheme. That is why employees who are expected to accrue less pension under the new pension scheme will receive compensation. When they transition to the new pension scheme, they will receive a one-off extra amount on top of their pension assets. This amount comes from StiPP's fund assets. This is therefore subject to StiPP's financial situation.
Extra personal pension assets
Upon the transfer, all employees who accrue or have accrued pension with StiPP will receive a one-off additional amount in addition to their pension assets. Pensioners also receive this amount. The amount comes from StiPP's fund assets. This is therefore subject to StiPP's financial situation on 1 January 2026.

Would you like to know more about the transition plan of the social partners? Read or download the full transition plan.

Download the transition plan

Where do we go from here?

In the coming months, the board of StiPP will review the agreements contained in the transition plan. And determines whether they can carry them out and whether the agreements are financially feasible. If so, the new scheme will take effect on 1 January 2026. Of course, we will inform you about what will change for you personally. We do this by means of a letter, the website, the newsletter and My StiPP Pension.